I'm a Professor of Mathematics (Algebra) at the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU), member of the Algebra, Geometry and Computer Algebra group. My main research area is representation theory. I like interactions with algebraic geometry, category theory, combinatorics, and computer algebra—more generally also with computer science and physics. Some specific topics I am interested in are:
- Birational geometry and representation theory of symplectic singularities
- Representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras
- Anything Lie theoretic
- Tensor categories and categorification
- Algorithmic and constructive techniques
News and schedule
- Nov 28: Our application for the third period (2025–2028) of the DFG SFB/TRR "Symbolic Tools in Mathematics and their Application" was successful! That means ~9 million Euros for algebra! See the press release.
- Oct: New PhD student B. Thiel arrived
- Oct 1: New PhD student T. Linke
- Jun 21: New preprint Computing the center of a fusion category (with F. Mäurer)
- Jun: Our application for the 2024–2027 funding period for the "SymbTools" Potenzialbereich der Forschungsinitiative des Landes RLP was successful!
- Apr 10–12: Talk and workshop as part of the Landeswettbewerb Mathematik
- Mar 27: Categorical Representation Theory Seminar, Columbia University (virtual)
See here for previous years.
University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)
Department of Mathematics
Postfach 3049
67653 Kaiserslautern
Office: 48.416 (Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße, 67663 Kaiserslautern)
Email: ulrich.thiel at math.rptu.de
Tel: +49 631 205 2258
Other profiles: arXiv, MathSciNet, Google Scholar, GitHub, Math Genealogy, ORCID, PrimePages