This is a collection of personal notes on various topics used for teaching. Some notes are password-protected. The password is/was given in class.
Notes following books
An invitation to algebraic geometry by Smith. et. al. (2000)
- 1. Affine algebraic varieties
- 2. Algebraic foundations
- 3. Projective varieties
- 4. Quasi-projective varieties
- 5. Classical constructions
- 6. Smoothness
- 7. Birational geometry
The geometry of schemes by Eisenbud & Harris (2000)
Miscellaneous notes
- Covariance and contravariance (of vectors) (May 13, 2024)
- Examples and counterexamples in sheaf theory (Apr 24, 2024)
- Real representations of cyclic groups (Jul 28, 2023)
- Pell's equation (Jul 12, 2023)
External material
- Blowup in a point (Beautiful animation of a blowup, low resolution unfortunately.)
- ℙ1 as a colimit (By David Roberts (2021). From An exercise in colimits.)