
We have a work group seminar.



  • T. Linke (PhD): Finitary representation theory of algebraic module categories
  • F. Mäurer (PhD): Algorithmic aspects of tensor categories
  • L. Rogel (PhD): Truncated Hecke categories
  • E. Thorn (PhD): Cellularity from a categorical perspective
  • M. Walch (PhD): Topological autoencoders
  • C. Koenen (Master's): Computing in DrinfeldHecke algebras


  1. T. Metzlaff (Postdoc, 01/2023–01/2025)
  2. T. Bürger (Bachelor's, 2024): The Shephard–Todd–Chevalley–Serre Theorem
  3. T. Linke (Master's, 2023): Cell theory of monoids and its categorification
  4. J. Schmitt (PhD, 2023): On Q-factorial terminalizations of symplectic linear quotient singularities [picture]
  5. D. Mathiä (PhD, 2022): Wreath combinatorics in the context of restricted rational Cherednik algebras [picture]
  6. M. Hauck (Bachelor's, 2022): The Kronecker–Weber theorem
  7. F. Mäurer (Master's, 2022): Developing a category theory framework in Julia
  8. M. Albert (Bachelor's, 2022): On the computation of Calogero–Moser cellular characters
  9. M. Albert (Fachpraktikum, 2022): Implementing Iwahori–Hecke algebras in Julia
  10. Q.L. Duc (Master's, 2021): The algebra of distributions on an affine group scheme [DAAD prize]
  11. E. Thorn (Master's, 2021): Cellular algebras arising from highest weight categories
  12. T. Schmit (Bachelor's, 2021): Computing in Coxeter groups
  13. L. Rogel (Master's, 2021): Monoidal categories of equivariant coherent sheaves on finite sets
  14. T. Schmit (Fachpraktikum, 2021): Kombinatorische Algorithmen in Julia
  15. C. Brendel & J. Scheinert (Fachpraktikum, 2021): Spieltheoretische Suchalgorithmen und Implementierung einer Chess-Engine
