This course is an introduction to Lie algebras and their representations. We will follow a classic introductory book to this subject: Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory by J. Humphreys (you can find a list of corrections here).

Remark. Due to the current situation, we probably won't have lectures in the classical sense at the beginning. Instead, we will have an online course, managed in OpenOLAT. Here, you'll also find videos. We will start (almost) as planned on the 20th of April, with a getting-used-to-online-stuff phase the week before.


WeekDatesSectionsPagesExtra notesExercises
0120.04. – 26.04.§ 1+2pp. 1 – 9HereHere
0227.04. – 03.05.§ 3+4pp. 10 – 20HereHere
0304.05. – 10.05.§ 5+6pp. 21 – 30HereHere
0411.05. – 17.05.§ 7+8pp. 31 – 40Here
0518.05. – 24.05.§ 9+10pp. 42 – 54Here
0625.05. – 31.05.Break
0701.06. – 07.06.§ 11+12pp. 55 – 66Here
0808.06. – 14.06.§ 13+14pp. 67 – 77Here
0915.06. – 21.06.§ 15+16pp. 78 – 87HereHere
1022.06. – 28.06.§ 17+18pp. 89 – 101HereHere
1129.06. – 05.07.§ 19+20pp. 102 – 112Here
1206.07. – 12.07.§ 21+22pp. 112 – 125Here
1313.07. – 19.07.§ 23+24pp. 126 – 134Here


  1. J. Humphreys, Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory, Springer, 1972, 1997. Revisions.
  2. W. Fulton and J. Harris, Representation theory—a first course. Springer GTM, 1991.
  3. J. Fuchs and C. Schweigert, Symmetries, Lie Algebras and Representations, CUP, 1997. Errata.
  4. B. Hall, Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Representations, Springer GTM, 2003, 2015. Corrections.
  5. J. Humphreys, Representations of Semisimple Lie Algebras in the BGG Category O, AMS GSM, 2008.