2024 and newer
See front page.
- Nov 7: Representation Theory Seminar, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
- Sept 25–28: Third Annual Meeting 2023 of SFB-TRR 195, Saarbrücken
- Sept 18–22: IRTG block seminar Category Theory, Trippstadt (organised by my students F. Mäurer, E. Thorn, and L. Rogel)
- Sep 4: New preprint Symplectic singularities (to appear in Computeralgebra-Rundbrief)
- Jul 17: New preprint The center of the asymptotic Hecke category and unipotent character sheaves (with L. Rogel)
- Jul 16–21: Hecke algebras and applications, Spetses (!), Greece
- Jun 23–24: Algebras and Representation Theory in Germany #2, Stuttgart
- May 31–Jun 2: Tagung der Fachgruppe Computeralgebra, Hannover
- Mar 6–Mar 10: Spring School Real Complex, and Symplectic Reflection Groups, Bochum [lecture notes]
- Feb 28–Mar 3: Retreat of the SFB TRR-195, Ebernburg
- Jan 27–28: Algebras and Representation Theory Network Meeting, Köln [slides]
- Jan 10: New preprint The rank one property for free Frobenius extensions (with G. Bellamy)
- Jan 2: New postdoc T. Metzlaff arrived
- Oct 28–29: Darstellungstheorietage, Kaiserslautern
- Sep 19–22: Second annual meeting of the second period of the SFB-TRR 195, Blaubeuren
- Aug 2: Published draft Julia packages CoxeterGroups.jl (with T. Schmit), HeckeAlgebras.jl (with M. Albert), and CherednikAlgebras.jl.
- Jul 4: Our paper Wreath Macdonald polynomials at q=t as characters of rational Cherednik algebras (with D. Mathiä) has been accepted for publication in Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
- Apr 21: I'm giving a talk in the algebra seminar at Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing (virtual)
- Apr 4–8: Symplectic singularities in geometry and representation theory, Luminy
- Mar 27: Our paper Cellularity of endomorphism algebras of tilting objects (with G. Bellamy) will appear in Adv. Math.
- Mar 22–25: Retreat 2022 of the SFB-TRR 195, Ebernburg/Bad Münster am Stein
- Feb 11: I'm giving a talk within Mathe um Mitternacht on the Lights Out Game (slides)
- Jan 21: I'm giving a talk in the Oberseminar Darstellungstheorie, Bonn
- Jan 3: New preprint Computational aspects of Calogero-Moser spaces (with C. Bonnafé)
- Dec 21: New preprint Wreath Macdonald polynomials at q=t as characters of rational Cherednik algebras (with D. Mathiä)
- Dec 2: New preprint On parabolic subgroups of symplectic reflection groups (with G. Bellamy and J. Schmitt)
- Oct: New PhD student A. Thiel arrived
- Oct 14: v0.2 of my lecture notes on Commutative Algebra
- Oct 12: My student Q.L. Duc won the "DAAD Prize for outstanding achievements of international students studying at German universities" [Press release]
- Sept 13–Sept 16: Fifth annual conference of the SFB-TRR 195
- Aug 27: I'm giving a (virtual) talk in the representation theory seminar at Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- Aug 19: Next term, I'll be teaching Commutative Algebra
- Aug 15–21: Workshop Computational Group Theory, Oberwolfach
- Jul 19: New preprint Cellularity of Endomorphism Algebras of Tilting Objects (with G. Bellamy)
- Jul 14: Vorstellung Fachpraktikum "Implementierung von Iwahori–Hecke Algebren"
- Jul 8: I'm giving a (virtual) talk in the SMRI Algebra and Geometry Online seminar, Sydney
- Jul: I’m member of the evaluation panel of the Breakthrough Junior Challenge, part of the Breakthrough Prize
- May 31: I totally forgot that almost 20 years ago I became a titan!
- May 17: Our paper Towards the classification of symplectic linear quotient singularities admitting a symplectic resolution (with G. Bellamy and J. Schmitt) will appear in Math. Z.
- Mar 23: I have released v1.0 of Magma-UT
- Feb 18: I'm giving a talk in the Birmingham-Warwick algebra seminar (virtual)
- Feb 17: First version v0.1 of my lecture notes Introduction to Commutative Algebra (182pp)
- Feb 17: First (very early!!) version v0.1 of my lectures notes Introduction to Categorical Thinking and Categorification (74pp)
- Feb 10: Vorstellung Fachpraktikum "Kombinatorische Algorithmen"
- Feb 3: I have released the first version v0.1 of JuLie!
- Jan 24: Next term, I'll be teaching Elementary Number Theory and organize a Proseminar Symmetrie: Einstieg in die Lie-Theorie
- Nov 30–Dec 4: Monoidal and 2-categories in representation theory and categorification, HIM Bonn (virtually)
- Nov 27: Our application for the 2021–2024 extension of the DFG SFB/TRR "Symbolic Tools in Mathematics and their Application" was successful! That means ~9 million Euros for algebra! See the press release and the (Corona compliant) party.
- Oct 30: I'm giving a talk in the BIREP seminar, Bielefeld (virtually)
- Oct 8: Our book on Soergel bimodules is now available! Thanks to everyone from the MSRI summer school who contributed!
- Oct 8: Some impressions of our conference!
Oct 5–Oct 9: Symplectic singularities in geometry and representation theory, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris. Postponed.- Sep 22–24: Annual meeting of SFB-TRR 195, "Kaiserslautern". I'm an organizer. Conference will take place: online!
- Jul: I'm member of the evaluation panel of the Breakthrough Junior Challenge, part of the Breakthrough Prize
- Jul 6: Ringvorlesung (OLAT, Fragestunde um 15:30)
- Jun 24: Registration for our Fourth annual conference of the SFB-TRR 195 is now open
- Jun 16: I'm co-organizing the RepNet Virtual Seminar, starting on Jun 23rd (videos)
- Jun 11: In the upcoming winter term I'll give a course on Tensor Categories, and a course on Commutative Algebra
May 18–22: Counting conjectures and beyond, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge. Postponed.- Apr 20: My courses on Lie Algebras and on Algebraic Structures start
Apr 16: Ringvorlesung. Check out my background and motivation for my Lie algebras course instead.- Jan 27–31: Computational and Algorithmic methods, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge. I'm giving a talk on the 30th.
- Jan 27–31: Geometry and representation theory, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris. I'm giving a talk on the 27th.
- Dec 3: I'm giving a talk in the Felix Klein Colloquium
- Oct 28: My course on algorithmic algebraic number theory starts
- Sep 23–26: DMV Jahrestagung, Karlsruhe. I'm giving a talk on Sep 23.
- Sep 9–13: Annual meeting of SFB-TRR 195, Saarbrücken
- Aug: I moved to the University of Kaiserslautern (more details)
- Dec 17–20: Character varieties and topological quantum field theory (Auckland, New Zealand). I'm giving a talk on the 20th.
- Nov: I was awarded a Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) by the Australian Research Council (ARC)
- Aug 28: I'm giving a talk at the University of Queensland
- Jul: I'm organizing a reading course on algebraic geometry next semester
- Jul 6: I'm giving a talk at the University of Bielefeld
- Jul 5–6: I'm visiting Henning Krause (University of Bielefeld)
- Jun 22: I'm giving a talk at the University of Sydney
- Jun 12: I'm giving a talk at the Australian National University, Canberra
- Jun 11–Jun 14: I'm visiting Tony Licata (Australian National University, Canberra)
- Apr 30: I'm giving a talk at Caltech, Pasadena
- Apr 27: I'm giving a talk at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
- Apr 9–Apr 25: I'm visiting the MSRI, Berkeley (Group Representation Theory and Applications program)
- Dec 4–Dec 8, Sydney, Australia: International conference on representation theory
- Sep 5, Sydney, Australia: I'm giving a talk in the pure math seminar at the University of New South Wales
- Jun 26–Jul 07, Berkeley, USA: Summer Graduate School "Soergel Bimodules" (teaching assistant)
- Mar 31, Sydney, Australia: I'm giving a talk in the algebra seminar
- Mar 7, Bochum, Germany: I'm giving a talk
- Jan 23–Jan 27, Stuttgart, Germany: Gwyn Bellamy visits me
- Oct 10–Oct 14, Kaiserslautern, Germany: DFG SPP1489 Conference
- Sep 26–Sep 30, Oxford, UK: Clay research conference (Geometric Representation Theory and Beyond)
- Jun 27, Hannover, Germany: I'm giving a talk in the Oberseminar
- May 24, Edinburgh, Scotland: I'm giving a talk in the MAXIMALS algebra seminar
- Apr 4–Apr 8, Edinburgh, Scotland: Representation theory and symplectic singularities
- Mar–May, Glasgow, Scotland: Research stay at Glasgow University
- Feb 18, Stuttgart, Germany: I'm giving a talk.
- Feb 18–Feb 19, Stuttgart, Germany: Computational Methods for Representations and Group Rings
- Feb 18–Feb 26, Stuttgart, Gemany: Gwyn Bellamy will be here
- Nov 13–Nov 14, Stuttgart, Germany: Darstellungstheorietage 2015
- Oct 13, Stuttgart, Germany: I am giving a talk in our Oberseminar
- Oct 5, Rostock, Germany: I am giving a talk
- Oct 5–Oct 6, Rostock, Germany: Norddeutsches Gruppentheoriekolloquium
- Sep 29, Osnabrück, Germany: I am giving a talk
- Sep 28–Oct 2, Osnabrück, Germany: DFG SPP 1489 Jahrestagung
- Jul 3, Erlangen, Germany: I am giving a talk in the Emmy Noether Seminar
- May 18–May 22, Montpellier, France: I am visiting Cédric Bonnafé
- May 4–May 8, Stuttgart, Germany: Daniel Juteau visits us
- Apr 5–Apr 11, Oberwolfach, Germany: Representations of Finite Groups
- Mar 11, Bad Honnef, Germany: I am giving a talk
- Mar 9–Mar 13, Bad Honnef, Germany: Darstellungstheorie Schwerpunkttagung
- Feb 3, Stuttgart, Germany: Thomas Gerber visits us and gives a talk in the Oberseminar
- Jan 21, Glasgow, Scotland: I am giving a talk in the Algebra Seminar
- Jan 18–Jan 30, Glasgow, Scotland: I am visiting Gwyn Bellamy
- Dec 16, Stuttgart, Germany: Thomas Gobet visits us and gives a talk in the Oberseminar
- Dec 09, Jena, Germany: I am giving a talk in the Oberseminar
- Nov 18, Stuttgart, Germany: I am giving a talk in our Oberseminar
- Nov 08, Kaiserslautern, Germany: I am giving a talk
- Nov 07–Nov 08, Kaiserslautern, Germany: Darstellungstheorietage
- Sep 22–Sep 26, Luminy (Marseille), France: 50 ans de séminaire Chevalley
- Sep 08–Sep 12, Stuttgart, Germany: Workshop on Diagram Algebras
- Jul 03, Kaiserslautern, Germany: I got an award from the Freundeskreis der Universität Kaiserslautern for my thesis (press release)
- Jun 19, Cargèse, France: I am giving a talk
- Jun 16–Jun 27, Cargèse, France: Summer school on quiver Hecke algebras and conference on geometric representation thory
- Jun 04–Jun 05, Paris, France: I am visiting Jean Michel
- Jun 05, Paris, France: I am giving a talk in the Séminaire Claude Chevalley
- May 16, Kaiserslautern, Germany: I am giving a talk
- Apr 14–Apr 18, Montpellier, France: I am visiting Cédric Bonnafé
- Mar 03–Mar 07, Bad Boll, Germany: Annual conference of the DFG priority project SPP 1489
- Whole year: finishing my PhD thesis, therefore almost no conferences...
- Mar 25–Mar 28, Bad Boll, Germany: Darstellungstheorie Schwerpunkttagung.
- Sep 17–Sep 20, Saarbrücken, Germany: DMV Jahrestagung
- Jun 5, 2012, Stuttgart, Germany: I am giving a talk in the Oberseminar Algebra
- Apr 23–Apr 27, Marseille (Luminy), France: Théorie de Lie et analogues quantiques
- Mar 25–Mar 31, Oberwolfach, Germany: Representations of finite groups
- Mar 21, 2012, Thurnau, Germany: I am giving a talk
- Mar 19–Mar 22, Thurnau, Germany: Darstellungstheorie Schwerpunkttagung
- Jan 19, Paris, France: I am giving a talk in the Séminaire Claude Chevalley
- Oct 17, Bonn, Germany: I am giving a talk in the Oberseminar Darstellungstheorie
- Oct 17–Oct 21, Bonn, Germany: I am visiting Maurizio Martino
- Sep 12–Sep 22, Cargèse, France: Algèbres de Hecke, Algèbres de Cherednik, Algèbres amassé et Théorie des Représentations
- Jul 14, Kaiserslautern, Germany: Maurizio Martino visits us and gives a talk on Blocks of restricted rational Cherednik algebras for wreath products
- Jun 01, Kaiserslautern, Germany: Armin Shalile visits us and gives a talk on On the center of Brauer algebras and modular character theory
- May 09–May 20, Montpellier, France: I am visiting Cédric Bonnafé
- May 02–May 06, Marseille (Luminy), France: Spring School "Flag Varieties"
- Mar 01–Mar 04, Münster, Germany: Darstellungstheorie Schwerpunkttagung
- Feb 03, Kaiserslautern, Germany: Jay Taylor visits us and gives a talk on Unipotent Supports in Finite Reductive Groups
- Jan 24–Jan 28, Les Houches, France: Groupes de Chevalley, groupes de réflexion, groupes de tresse
- Dec 10–Dec 11, Aachen, Germany: Nikolaus Conference
- Nov 05–Nov 06, Stuttgart, Germany: Darstellungstheorietage
- Sep 27–Sep 29, Aachen, Germany: Representation theory of finite groups
- May 23–May 28, Isle of Skye, Scotland: Sheaves in Representation Theory
- Apr 06–Apr 10, Bad Honnef, Germany: Darstellungstheorie Schwerpunkttagung
- Aug 17–Aug 19, Wuppertal, Germany: Homological Conjectures in Representation Theory of Artin Algebras
- Jan 30–Jan 31, Kaiserslautern, Germany: Darstellungstheorietage
- Oct 06–Oct 10, Bonn, Germany: Conference on Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry
- Nov 02–Nov 04, Cambridge (MA), USA: Rational Curves and Diophantine Problems over Function Fields